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Sector 9 Mini Shaka Platinum Series Longboard 102cm
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Sector 9 Mini Shaka Platinum Series Longboard 102cm

Sector 9 Mini Shaka Platinum Series Longboard 102cm

Sector9 Mini Shaka Beschreibung

The Mini Shaka is an all-around freeride board letting you attack anything from hills to cruising to the store. The 5/8'' drop rocker makes pushing the board sideways easier than before and grip is still available with its top mount truck pattern. The drop and concave combination creates a perfect pocket for your feet, maximizing leverage and control.

Sector9 Mini Shaka Konstruktion

8 Ply Cold Pressed Maple
0.625 Rocker Mold
Medium Concave

Sector9 Mini Shaka Maße

40.25" L x 9.75" W x 28.8" WB

Sector9 Mini Shaka Hardware

10.0" Gullwing Charger Trucks 50Grad
Sector9 nineballs 70mm 78a
Abec 5 PDP Bearings
Bearing Spacers
0.125" Recycled Plastic Shock Pads
1.5" Low Profile Hardened Steel Bolts
Full Grip Tape with Logo Print

Preisvorschlag oder Frage zu diesem Produkt
Preis: €299.00
€199.95 (inkl. 19 % MwSt.)
Sie sparen: €99.05





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