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Rune Caladbolg No1 Komplett Longboard
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Rune Caladbolg No1 Komplett Longboard

Rune Caladbolg No1 Komplett Longboard

Caladblog #1 – our stylish Cruiser to ride through the city-jungel smoooth and with a lot of fun. It's not only a racy Cruiser but it allows also to try your first slides. The directional shape gives the Board more dynamics and offer a good stance for your feet. The braod cutouts help to prevent mean wheelbites even while doing very tight turns. The special flashmount-truck mounting that offers a deep notch for insertion of the trucks in the board, make it almost as low as with a drop-through mounting. This means that even while going faster the Board stays stable and in the same allows for good turning. So the Board offers the best of both mountings – the stable road holding of drop-through and the versatility of a topmount board. Ride

10" X 38" | Mellow concave | Drop Through Flashmount
8 ply 100% Hardrock maple with epoxy
Wheels 70mm 80 A stone ground wheels
Trucks 180 mm inverted RUNE Truck

Rune Caladbolg No1 Komplett Longboard im Longboard Shop Online Kaufen

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Preis: €159.90 (inkl. 19 % MwSt.)


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